Contrary to popular belief, pelvic floor dysfunctions are not limited to females.

We provide hope and healing for male pelvic pain, incontinence and pelvic dysfunction.


"This may seem a little dramatic, but Sarton Physical Therapy has changed my life. Two years ago, I had my third back surgery, a 4-level fusion. Within a week of the surgery I developed a pain in one of my testicles."

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My urologist said I had Epididymitis and put me on antibiotics, three different antibiotics over an 8-week period made no difference in my symptoms, the doctor recommended removing the testicle.

The thought of another surgery and the possible side effects drove me to look for another urologist and to search for other solutions. Over a 6-month period I visited another urologist, physical therapists and a specialist in men’s health. Never was the pelvic floor mentioned, in fact I was not aware of the muscle group involved in the pelvic floor nor what they actually do. I had given up after a year of pain, discomfort and frustration. I was taking Vicodin daily, had stopped all my activities, like surfing, bike riding and gardening and was becoming a couch potato. I decided to have the surgery and take a chance this would rid me of the constant pain. By a strange chain of events my wife ended up at a hand therapist’s office because of a broken finger. My wife mentioned that I was schedule to have surgery and the therapist mentioned Sarton Physical Therapy. I made an appointment and met with Julie Sarton. To make a long story shorter I have been visiting the clinic for 5 months. I am 95% pain free, off of the Vicodin, back to gardening and ready to surf this summer. Julie and the therapists at Sarton Physical Therapy have saved me from another surgery, from the side effects of pain medications and given me my life back. I can’t say enough about the wonderful therapists and staff at Sarton. My family doctor and my new urologist were both amazed by the results from treatment at Sarton. The pelvic floor and its importance to good health does not seem to be a topic of much importance in medical school.


"As a male having any pelvic floor ailment one soon finds out that pelvic floor physical therapy specialists for men are exceedingly difficult to come by..."

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...especially with the high magnitude of experience that Julie Sarton and her team have at Sarton Physical Therapy!

I was experiencing pain in my pelvic region from following an excessive road cycling regime. With effectively no help from local medical professionals I embarked on a journey that most with this sort of ailment do and started to research for myself. Once I suspected what my issue was it further became apparent that it was going to be difficult to get the medical attention necessary for recovery nor did I have a clue where to start literally in the World to find a medical professional that had the experience combined with the commitment to heal myself. As I became immersed in my research I soon found what by all accounts was the most experienced pelvic floor physical therapist on the continent or arguably the World that one could possibly have the fortune to find. I found Julie Sarton and the Sarton Clinic. When I made first contact with Julie to understand what services I could hope to receive, Julie spent over an hour on the telephone discussing my issue with me. It was instantly clear that I found a professional that genuinely cared about healing me. The rest is history …… I attended the Sarton Clinic and I am well on the way to recovery! Julie and her team continued to amaze me with their enthusiasm and unflagging commitment and determination to heal me! I cannot put clearly into words just how much the Sarton clinic helped me. Thank you!


"More than 10 hours driving with no pain symptoms at all..."

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Sitting in the airplane on my way back home for another 13 hours didn’t cause any remarkable pain either.

Today, two days after I returned from US, I am sure I will come out of it. If not 100%, definitely to the level that I won’t suffer any more and could enjoy my life fully. It is a matter of time and my patience only. Already in US, even after the first session with you all, I felt like my symptoms improved significantly. Two days before leaving US, I was “Leaving Las Vegas,” after spending more than 10 hours driving with no pain symptoms at all. Sitting in the airplane on my way back home for another 13 hours didn’t cause any remarkable pain either. Today I feel fantastic. Full of hope, able to sit as long as I need (if I feel a bit worse, I know what to do to stop it), sleeping at night (even having some sweating, but not driving me to stress much). Even sensation improved by 30% (!). But what is most important, every single stretch, self-treatment and exercise lead to remarkable improvements. Even though initially for a short time, it’s repeatable and cumulative and works immediately. Summarizing, you fixed me (!)...... brought me to the level that my organism can take a lead and start healing itself.

THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! I achieved what I expected.

P.G., Global Patient from Poland


Common Dysfunctions Successfully Treated in Males with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction


Pelvic & Sexual Pain Dysfunctions

Pelvic floor tension myalgia/ pelvic floor muscle spasm

Chronic pelvic pain syndrome

Chronic Prostatitis

Pudendal neuralgia

Pain with ejaculation or erection

Testicular, scrotal, penile, or groin pain

Musculoskeletal Dysfunction

Coccyx or tailbone pain

Pubic symphysis pain

Lumbosacral strain

Abdominal wall hernia

Piriformis syndrome

Low back, hip, groin, or pelvic pain that has not responded to conventional physical therapy

Bowel and/or Bladder Dysfunctions

Interstitial cystitis

Urinary urgency and/or frequency

Urinary retention or incomplete emptying

Urinary incontinence

Fecal incontinence

Chronic Constipation/Outlet dysfunction

Post-Surgical Pain or Dysfunction

Post-prostatectomy urinary incontinence

Adhesions / scar tissue after urologic, intestinal, or cancer-related surgeries



Our comprehensive evaluation by our expert physical therapists will help to identify the causes driving your pelvic pain. An extensive medical history and physical exam reveals whether poor posture, faulty biomechanics, tight muscles, trigger points, weakness, or nerve disorders are part of your problem. Pelvic floor muscles will be specifically evaluated as well - as they are an essential part of the physical therapy diagnostic process. Additionally, restricted scar tissue or adhesions, connective tissue and fascial restrictions are evaluated to assess their involvement in your pelvic floor dysfunction.


Manual therapy such as myofascial release, joint mobilization, nerve gliding/tension release and visceral manipulation creates the cornerstone of our treatment. Correcting abnormal movement patterns and posture via neuromuscular re-education, therapeutic exercises and core strengthening is an integral component of treatment as well. Additionally, utilizing pain reducing strategies combined with cutting edge modalities such as warm laser therapy facilitates faster healing.

Did you know?

Cyclist's Syndrome is a common term for symptoms of pudendal nerve irritation or pudendal neuralgia. Symptoms can include: pain in “sit bones”, perineum, genitals, and/or anus, pain with sitting/cycling, urinary, bowel, and/or sexual dysfunction, and/or feeling of foreign object in rectum or perineum. Cycling can lead to...


+ Male Pelvic Pain/Chronic Prostatitis

Roughly four years ago while on a business trip, I found myself faced with a terrible case of urinary frequency (had the urge to go every 20 minutes). That led to groin and pelvic pains, and a general ill feeling. I made it home to my family doctor, who checked for a urinary infection. Although that test was negative, he prescribed an antibiotic saying it was likely prostatitis. After a couple of weeks, the symptoms subsided. Over the next year, I had a couple more attacks. Each met with the same negative urinary infection test, prostate examines and antibiotic prescription. My family doctor finally sent me to a urologist, who also said I had prostatitis and likewise prescribed antibiotics. Another two years passed by and my urinary urge and pelvic pains got worse. My urologist put me on long term antibiotics. By then I had gone through five different antibiotics and a run of no less than nine straight months on antibiotics. After my own research I was concluding that I had a pelvic muscle problem - which in turn led to the pains and urinary urgency. I went to another urologist for a second opinion and he told me to immediately stop the antibiotics. He said my conclusion was right, but had no recommendation for treatment other than anti-inflammatory drugs like Motrin and possibly finding a pelvic pain therapist - but he cautioned that most in this area only treat women. After continued problems and searching, I finally found Dr. Julie Sarton. After my first meeting with Julie, I was hopeful as she seemed to understand what I have been through and the cause of my problems. Julie's first treatment showed me my pelvic muscles were a real mess - very tense and tender. I was amazed at how treating the pelvic muscles would replicate the urinary urge and pains. After a few treatments I observed clear improvement. Now I am nearing two years later and I have been very successful in that I have been able to control and nearly eliminate my symptoms. Moreover, I have been antibiotic free since starting my treatments with Julie. It took me a long time to find Julie but I am thankful I did. She has saved me from a very frustrating condition. Better living through chemistry is not the solution to this very common problem for men. I want to help other men learn that there is a better solution than antibiotics and their root cause is something much different than the common diagnosis of a prostate problem. For me, my pelvic pain is caused by too much time on the freeway coupled with days full of siting in meetings and too much stress. The physical therapy treatment and advise that Julie provides is the answer for me - and it is the answer for many men suffering from this condition. I have learned to appreciate the complexity of the pelvic muscle structure. I am living much better than I had been and I hope the family physician and urologist community learn to understand the real causes for many of these cases.


+ Pudendal Neuropathy/Neuralgia

My journey with pudenal neuralgia began when I noticed a persistent tingling sensation in the perineum associated with sitting. The longer I sat, particularly when driving or riding a bicycle, the symptoms became more intense and after 30 to 40 minutes became almost intolerable. For the first several weeks, I was certain it was a temporary problem and (like so many other injuries I’ve had) would eventually go away. As the problem persisted, however, I grew increasingly concerned and began to research possible causes and diagnoses.

With the help of Julie Sarton as well as Dr. Jerome Weiss I came to understand that my symptoms were a form of pudendal neuralgia, likely caused by a combination of factors, including a history of intense involvement in athletics and cycling as well as long hours on the computer for professional writing and research. I also came to understand that, unlike other injuries I had experienced, nerves are complex and take a long time to heal. This was not going to improve with a few weeks or even months of medication, therapy, and rest. It was going to be a long journey requiring patience, persistence, and commitment over a period of years.

It’s now been almost two years since the initial onset of symptoms and over 18 months since I began a consistent and diligent treatment plan with Julie.... I have increased my sitting tolerance from 5 minutes to 90 minutes and have made numerous lifestyle adjustments which have allowed me to maintain a sense of normalcy in my daily work and activities.

Among the many things I have learned from Julie, perhaps the most important has been to accept and even embrace the process. I’ve learned to make pudendal neuralgia my hobby—to study it, be fascinated by it, and to learn as much as I can about my body and how it’s responding to various treatments. I tracked my condition and progress with three different tools: (1) a simple journal with 2-3 entries per week regarding observations or patterns with my symptoms; (2) a monthly spreadsheet with a daily entry regarding the level of pain tolerance (on a scale of 1-10); and (3) a spreadsheet where I capture data from weekly functional sit tests, timing how long I can sit without symptoms in relationship to the various changes in treatment or other circumstances.

I attribute my progress to a combination of lifestyle adjustments (standing work station, bar-height tables at restaurants, carpooling and lying down in the back seat, swimming instead of running and biking, etc), dietary choices (avoiding lactose which was causing some distension and placing additional pressure on the pelvic floor), physical therapy (weekly appointments for both internal and external work), and independent exercises (skin rolling, perineal massage, deep diaphragmatic breathing, careful stretching). There is no easy answer or quick fix other than the daily commitment to avoid compressing the nerve and reverse the cycle of muscle spasms that is causing this neuropathy. While I can’t predict the road ahead, I’m committed for the long haul and thankful for the knowledge I’m gaining each day to influence my own health and recovery process.

As John Wooden (legendary UCLA basketball coach) writes in one of my favorite quotes: … “When you improve a little each day, eventually big things occur. . . .Not tomorrow, not the next day, but eventually a big gain is made. Don’t look for the big, quick improvement. Seek the small improvement one day at a time. That’s the only way it happens–and when it happens it lasts.


+ Fecal Incontinence

I would like every doctor in South Orange County specializing in the disruption to the normal flow of nutrients through our bodies to know of the tremendous transformation I've just encountered through the efforts of Sarton PT. I have gone form 6 bathroom calls a day, with all the attendant toilet paper, wipes and diaper (fecal incontinence) to only 2 ( with a tremendous cost savings in paper products) in a period of only 4 weeks and 4 treatments.

For any physician who works in this area, the strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles is the answer for a normal life. I strongly recommend your services below to all my doctors and their colleagues.


+ Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

I saw a pain doctor and was diagnosed with sacroiliac dysfunction. The choice for treatment was regular physical therapy or pelvic PT. My conditions are: BPH (Blue light laser surgery), low back pain, ED, urinary retention, urinary urgency and frequency (urination 3-4 times/night and hourly during daytime). Pelvic floor PT was the obvious choice as more of my conditions could be treated and improved. I knew that I would be in a female environment but having gone through catheterization, multiple biopsies, rectal exams etc…. I didn’t care if it was a female or male doing the treatment. My first visit I was still nervous but the whole staff was very calming and friendly. Stephanie and Vanessa, in the front office, and Morgan and Allea (physical therapists) were great. Morgan, my main therapist, made me feel comfortable and even though I am somewhat of an introvert, she was able to get me talking and comfortable talking about my conditions. She was very good at covering up privates and doing the therapy discreetly. The internal exam and therapy was not a big deal and after a few visits I began to have major improvements in my conditions. My pain is less. I only need to get up 1-2 times/night and only need to urinate every 3-4 hours during the daytime. Morgan has a full schedule and one time I couldn’t get scheduled with her and Stephanie gave me a choice of two other therapists. She said they were all good but I was skeptical. She was right- Allea was great. She is very good at what she does. She asked before the internal therapy and she did the therapy- her skill was obvious! I would give the therapist and the office a 5 star rating and would recommend Sarton PT to males or females. Thank you Sarton for your great care and kindness. They provide an exceptional experience!

Thank you,



+ Pelvic Floor Tension Myalgia/Muscle Spasm

Chronic muscle spasm of some or all of the pelvic floor or pelvic girdle muscles. Internal muscles commonly involved are: puborectalis, iliococcygeus, obturator internus, piriformis, coccygeus, and urogenital diaphragm muscles. Perineal fascia can also be commonly painful and hypomobile causing dysfunction and spasm of the pelvic floor muscles.

+ Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

General term that is interchangeable with pelvic floor tension myalgia and/or pelvic floor muscle spasm. Common function deficits from chronic pelvic pain syndrome are: pain with sitting, difficulty urinating, urgency or frequency of urination, and urinary hesitancy.

+ Chronic Prostatitis

Prostatitis Syndromes are categorized into three types -- Category I: Acute bacterial prostatitis, Category II: Chronic bacterial prostatitis, and Category III: Chronic prostatitis.

Some prostatitis syndromes are also characterized by pelvic floor muscle spasm and can lead to pain and urinary symptoms.

+ Pudendal Neuralgia

Painful neuropathic condition often distributed throughout the nerve field of the pudendal nerve. Most common functional deficit is an inability to sit due to a foreign body sensation in the perineum or rectum. Pudendal neuralgia or pudendal nerve irritation can manifest in many ways and most always has a component of pelvic floor muscle spasm contributing to pudendal nerve irritation.

+ Sexual Pain

Pain with ejaculation or erection - some males may experience sexual dysfunction due to pain as a primary symptom or as a result of another diagnosis. Sexual dysfunction is a complex mechanism, of which the pelvic floor muscles play an integral role.

+ Male Groin Pain

Testicular, scrotal, penile, or groin pain - some males may experience pain in the genital region even in the absence of positive diagnostic tests. When this is the case, pelvic floor muscle spasm, SI joint and low back dysfunction, pudendal nerve irritation may be contributing to testicular, scrotal, penile, or groin pain.

+ Interstitial Cystitis (IC)

Chronic and often severe inflammation of the bladder wall/lining. IC can also involve suprapubic pain related to bladder filling accompanied by other symptoms - such as increased urinary frequency in the absence of proven urinary infection or other obvious pathology.

+ Bowel and Bladder Dysfunction

The pelvic floor and associated pelvic structures can play an important role in bowel and bladder function - dysfunction here can manifest in one or more of the following.

Urinary urgency and/or frequency: increased daytime voiding of greater than 5-8x/day with small volume of urine output or increased nighttime voiding of greater than 1x/night disturbing sleep.

Urinary retention or incomplete emptying: inability to fully empty bladder despite urge to urinate, slow stream, and may also be accompanied by urinary hesitancy.

Urinary incontinence: involuntary loss of urine. Fecal incontinence: involuntary loss of feces.

Chronic Constipation/Outlet dysfunction: any decrease in normal (specific to the patient)bowel movement frequency or inability to evacuate with the urge to have a bowel movement. Chronic constipation is also usually accompanied by straining to have a bowel movement with increased bloating and gas as a result from a non-relaxing pelvic floor muscle group.

+ Back and Hip Pain

Piriformis syndrome: trigger points and/or muscle spasm of the piriformis muscle with or without sciatic nerve irritation that may involve the entire lower extremity.

Low back, hip, groin, or pelvic pain that has not responded to conventional physical therapy: if you have undergone extensive conventional physical therapy without results, and your pain and symptoms are accompanied by any other pelvic floor related diagnosis (i.e. urinary urgency, coccyx/tailbone pain, etc.) you may benefit from a pelvic floor physical therapy assessment to rule in or out pelvic floor muscle spasm as a contributing factor to your pain and symptoms.