Low Back Pain

Low back pain can be the result of an enormous variety of different things.

Very generally speaking, it is likely a combination of muscles that are too tight or too weak (or both!), poor stability of the trunk or pelvis, or impaired range of motion of the hip, spine, or upper body, which combine to result in postural and movement dysfunction.

Low back pain may also be visceral in origin, meaning it is coming from one of the organs inside the abdominal cavity. The important thing to note is that just because your pain is centered in the low back, does not always mean the structures in that area are at the root of it.

Muscles that are overworked sometimes create trigger points, which are small, dense areas of tissue that when touched, may create either local or referred pain.

Referred pain is felt away from the location of its origin. For instance, a trigger point in the hip flexor muscle may refer to the low back, abdomen or down the thigh. Both muscles and visceral organs can refer pain to the low back.


The Good News


Hope and Healing are always possible.

Do not suffer with this pain, come in and let us help with pelvic physical therapy.  Treatment is comprehensive and tailored to the individual. Treatment will be geared toward decreasing pain, restoring stability and control of motion of the pubic symphysis during everyday tasks.  

At Sarton, in addition to looking at external contributions to low back pain, we also give the option of an internal exam of the muscles of the pelvic floor, which commonly refer pain to the low back. With this approach, we can evaluate each of the 4 walls of the abdominal “canister” and find the true source of your low back pain. If you are a mother, please also refer to the Diastasis Rectus Abdominis page to see if this contributing to your pain.

Sarton Physical Therapy is home to the best pelvic health physical therapists in Orange County. The physical therapists at Sarton PT have an eclectic perspective in treating pregnancy and pubic pain with their successful interventions. Let our advance board certified physical therapists help, please contact us with any questions or requests for additional information. 


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