Yes, it’s more common than you think; and yes, it can be treated.
Read MoreThe vestibule is a structure that most of us don't pay attention to until something happens with it (sounds familiar, right?)
Read MoreWhat I have learned from treating thousands of pelvic pain patients over the last 20 years is this: if you ignore your body’s need to find balance in life, your body will talk.
Read MorePain is a normal human experience, and we could not live without it. The reason why might surprise you!
Read MoreDid you know that the clitoris is on average 1/8th the size of the penis, yet is loaded with nearly double the nerve endings?!
Read MoreYour vaginal, urethral, back or hip pain might actually come from your pelvic floor: here’s why.
Read MoreYou are currently growing, or have successfully grown, an entire human being. Let’s review what that takes, shall we?
Read MoreWhat are some of the more common reasons for difficulty with orgasm? Read this post to find out.
Read MoreUnderstand not just what the pelvic floor is but, why it fools so many providers out there.
Read MoreIf you think that hands-on treatment is the only way you can better, think again.
Read MoreWe are pleased to have Meet Dr. Maha Nasrallah-Babenko, PhD joining the community and available to our patients who can benefit from her expertise as an ACS Certified Sexologist and Relationship and Sexual Wellness Coach.
Read MoreIf you are anything like me, you often wait too long to do this!
Read MoreYou might have a morning routine, but have you ever considered your pain routine? The original roots of your pain can be better understood with pain science.
Read MoreWhat if I told you that your vulvar pain has been mistreated for the last decade?
Read MoreNot all squats are created equal.
Read MoreYou may know it as painful bladder syndrome, IC, or even mistake it for reoccurring urinary tract infections, but there is one thing everyone can agree—Interstitial Cystitis is an often painful and always inconvenient pelvic floor condition.
Read MoreBefore starting pelvic floor physical therapy, Mary saw practitioner after practitioner (including over 30 physical therapists) but continued to suffer with pain.
Read MoreThe current method used by medical professionals to express patient pain levels is often relative—learn how you can accurately communicate your unique pain symptoms with your doctor.
Read MoreWhen Brad first came to us, he couldn’t sit for even 1 minute due to Pudendal Neuralgia.
Read More“This may seem a little dramatic, but Sarton Physical Therapy has changed my life."
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